Tag Archives: Medea Benjamin

A Look Inside 2013: Photographs From Wisconsin

December 31, 2013 By Leslie Peterson 2013 was another busy year for Wisconsin activists. Almost three years have passed since the huge protests over collective bargaining rights for public sector workers engaged the state and the rest of the world in February 2011. This collection of images proves “Yes, that really happened.” All images ©Leslie […]

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Live From Planet McKenna: Distort, Deceive

September 9, 2013  By Bill Dunn “Broadcasting live from Planet Madison, where everything is beyond parody,” is how Vicki McKenna opens her “Upfront” show on WIBA-AM. Going by my dictionary’s definition of upfront as frank, honest, candid or forthright, I must either say, “Vicky, thy name is perfidy” or “Please, check your sources, or lack […]

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